Jan 23, 2012


Whelp, I'm pretty much tripping balls off of recent events, so lets just play around with this one in some sad attempt to cling to my sanity. Not that I really feel like I'm losing it, but fuck, how exactly is one meant to tell how and when they are "losing it?" So in an attempt to deny any and all speculation towards that subject, we shall be pre-emptively ignoring the fuck out of it and pretending everything is okay, because it totally is, because I just said so.

Anyways, I was having this nice little giggle fit earlier and I guess Mr Overseer is to blame for that for the most part. And I could go into details as to why, but god is that ever a long story, so how bout you just go figure that one out on your own? But this isn't a me complaining about other people post, so the name dropping pretty much ends there. I just needed something to give my present thoughts context for anyone coming in late to the party...

Now, I've stressed before that whatever these other creatures running around are... I don't want anything to do with them. I don't have enough time to research ONE monster, much less "x" dozen of them. But that doesn't mean I'm not paying attention. Follow the Construct around enough and it seems you run into all kinds of fun terrifying shit. So I notice things. I can say that much. I don't research them, but they don't escape my notice. I'd try to ignore them entirely, but they make that Really Fucking Difficult. Hopefully once/if I make it out of here, the Construct will put on enough of a show of coming after me that any other would be stalkers will fuck off and leave me alone. But I've still got to be aware enough to know the difference between one shifting shadow and the next one. Basic supernatural survival tactics I guess.

Anyways, while I'm sitting here "noticing things," I happen upon a realization or two. Contrary to my prior observation, noted here, these things do appear to be actively at odds with one another... on perhaps a much larger scale than I could have previous imagined. Certain words The Overseer has used in the past, viewed in a new light, make for quite the entertaining observation. And though I don't know enough to really comment on it, I have heard about them all playing some sort of "Great Game." And I'm starting to draw a lot of interesting parallels between all of this...

You know, once upon a time, there were all of these gods and goddesses, for perspective I'm thinking somewhere along the lines of Greek Mythology at the moment, since most people tend to know about that stuff. Now, they got together a lot, chatted it up a good bit, played tricks on each other, and of course... were constantly at each other's throats. This was not one big happy family. They argued a LOT. But instead of settling their disputes themselves, they normally gathered up their followers and got them to do it for them. The siege of Troy is probably a pretty good example of that. The outcome was all but pre-determined, yet the gods that sided with Troy fought tooth and nail, pulling every little trick in the book to keep the city defended and safe.

If you're clueless about the old myths though... I admit my memory fails me a bit, I used to be really into that stuff, but it's been a whiiiiiiile... how about a recent example? God of War. The first one. Because it was actually a great story of classic Greek tragedy and not a lifeless adventure of "How many giant things can we find for this guy to violently rape?" Here, Kratos, a champion of the gods, is sent off on a quest to kill a rogue god. He's given guidance and support by certain gods, granted great weapons and powers from them, and ultimately he wields his combined powers against Ares and defeats him.

Now, here today, we've got a group of humans united under one "god" to research means of hampering the efforts of and perhaps defeating another "god." While at the same time, those two gods just so happen to hold get togethers with their friends and party hard like they're the bestest of buds. And that's okay I guess... because so long as they aren't attacking each other directly, then they're following the rules and nobody gets upset. Is that it, basically?

Which leads me to wonder. How many little organizations like this exist? How many of us, without our knowledge are working to benefit some other "god." How do we know we're not being led to these actions by the guiding hand of some "noble benefactor?" The gods of old are as alive as they've always been... they've taken on different forms, but they're still guiding humanity in the same manner as they have in the past. It's like one big RL game of Civ 5, only instead of the likes of Elizabeth and Bismarck, it's the Wooden Girl and the Slender Man.

And you know, I'd be more worried about that kind of situation, but if it's been going on this long and we don't even notice, then fuck it. We haven't launched nukes at each other yet, clearly the players have functioning brains at least. Doesn't mean I approve, but hey, could be worse. Furthermore, I like to look at it from the perspective of Norse Mythology, which I can do because the Construct has been closely tied to it in the past(as well as to Yggdrasil, another element of Norse Mythos), because it has the best end times story. Yeah, pretty much everyone dies in Ragnarok, but it also ends with the world being reborn and humanity starting anew... without any more "gods" to direct them and fuck things over... because they all Die. So let them have their little games... because when it's all over, the only ones still standing, are us humans.


  1. There is a theory floating around, that the Fears are merely the Old Gods that have started playing games with humanity again. This time, in a much more deadly attempt to see if we pass the 'test' to deserve the lives we lead. The Game.

    To my knowledge, we're failing the Game.

    1. If that's the case, then maybe they could do a better job of explaining the rules? Or is it supposed to be one of those games where figuring out the rules is half the battle? In which case, fuck the ever loving hell out of them.

    2. The point is that we don't know the rules. We aren't playing. They are, with us, and what happens now is supposedly what determines what happens.

  2. The rules are just as complex as the players, to my knowledge, and you have know them to survive the game. I only know a handful (for the record none of them are "get up high" the rules the peices make have little effect on the players), but with enough information you can spin the rules in your favor. It's like one giant convoluted game of chess, and we're all pawns. The importnat thing to remember, though, is what happens when a pawn makes it to the other side of the board.

    See you around

  3. ....Free, since when the hell do you know about that?!

  4. The existance of a game was ovbious fairly early on, before I was even aware of the other players. If there's a game, then there are rules, if there are rules they can be exploited. My current status was largely a result of luck, yes, but would you really expect me to make it this far without learning of the existance of a big picture? Regardless, the short answer is that I've known enough about it since before I began blogging, and admidatly I've only learned a little more since then, but what I've found has been well worth it.

    See you around

  5. @Dia - Ah, and that would make sense I suppose. Fits right in to what I was saying to begin with too... XP Bweh...

    @Cage - This would also make sense. Another part of the "neutrality" that allowed you safe passage in and out other week, perhaps?

  6. It's not a matter of how deep the good old Rabbit Hole goes, sweetheart.

    It's a matter of how far down you'll let yourself drop until you decide you've seen enough. Until you jam your arms and legs against the walls to stop. Praying you actually do. Making yourself believe you've reached the bottom. Because you honestly don't want to believe it could get any darker. Any more twisted. Any more frightening. You just want to close your eyes and pretend...

    And, quite honestly, that's the best thing to do. You can't comprehend The Game anymore than you can win it. You can't gather the pieces together and decide what the Final Test is. You can't put our logic into a Game designed by those who have never and will never exist in line by our own reasoning. Their Game is too vast a picture for us. Too complex. All we can hope to do is gain enough knowledge in ONE tiny piece of it to secure ourselves... and pray we studied the correct materials to save our lives when our own Tests are placed before us.

    Trust me. Through all these blogs from so many people... we haven't seen anything yet.

  7. I think you'll find it's Overseer.

    Observer makes me sound like I'm that Borg Collective Imitator harrasing Noah.

    As for this. We will never understand the rules because we are the game. Would you explain the rules to the inanimate objects upon a board game? We would not and therefore They will not. Unless that can be used to further The Game.

    We should feel honoured that they are curious enough to use us in such a way. Because the day They end this game is the day we lose any point in remaining alive to them.

    Therefore working with them now, unifying is the best course for survival.

  8. @Nightscream - Heh, making me feel so dreadfully uninformed again. Do you take classes in this stuff when you become a Proxy or is it just something you figure out over time? Personally, I'd say I've been trying to keep my head ABOVE the rabbit hole, but something seems to keep dragging me down... Ah well...

    @The Overseer - Oh dear... clearly my concentration is shot. I'll fix that. You'd think I'd have noticed that with as many times as I paused to link back to your blog...

    In any event, yes, I can't say I necessarily disagree with you. Exploit what resources you have. Though your efforts for unification may have been hampered by this reveal, you must admit. Though for myself... I'll admit, I'm intrigued.

  9. It has always come rather naturally to me. No classes required. Lucky you, hm? Although, I must admit, it never does fail to amaze me how many people are unsettled and irritated by simply truth.

    You've done nothing but dig into the activities of our Father, my friend. Your head hasn't been above the Rabbit Hole for quite some time. Granted, you're still an observer, for the most part... but if you had wanted to stay above, you would have deleted that email instead of opening it.

    1. Perhaps my greatest mistake... and yet so amusing given how I used to wonder what would drive a person to open Pandora's Box.

      Stupidity seems to be the answer every time.

    2. Stupidity... and the thirst for knowledge. Two factors that have driven Mankind into glory and shame time and time again.

      Which actually reminds me (because just saying the modern short and simple version is so overused)...

      "Yet ah! Why should they know their fate?
      Since sorrow never comes too late,
      And happiness too swiftly flies.
      Thought would destroy their paradise.
      No more; where ignorance is bliss,
      'Tis folly to be wise."

      ~ Thomas Gray

    3. The point about being ignorant is that you aren't informed enough to know you should leave it alone. The only way we can get over being stupid is our thirst for knowledge, but like you said that pursiut has given us as much harm as good. Glory and Shame, again and again, in the end we all have to pay for our information somehow. Sometimes you just have to wonder: is it all worth it?

      See you around

    4. Actually, I find stupidity just as common in "intellectuals" than the opposite side of the scale. Sometimes more so. So quenching the thirst isn't going to solve much, in my opinion. All the human race tends to do for every shred of "wisdom" it gets is create better, faster, more efficient ways of killing themselves or each other.

      I suppose that in itself could be considered a decent goal, no?

    5. I'll concede that, though the human race is not its individuals. In fact, in the grand scheme of things, we are actually more effecient at saving lives then we are at ending them, things like bullets and bombs are barely able to keep up with the population exlosion we've been seeing due to new medicines, foods, treatments, and other technologies that play perherial roles in their development and distribution. Even things that are used to destroy, like planes, necular power, and even gunpowder have uses (sometimes even their primary or inital uses) that are benefical or neutral. Humanity may have plenty of stupidity among its members, but it also has plenty of clever people. Those that explore and exploit knowledge include both types, and sometimes what the truely intelligent discover might be worth what the more base minded use it for. Maybe we will all end up destroying each other becuase of something we find, but we were doing a very good job of dieing off and killing each other before we started exploring knowledge, and sometimes the knowldege is worth it.


      See you aorund

    6. Now, now, you can't put together a Destruction List and name things such as necular power and gunpower while leaving out the Particle Accelerator. The possibilities of disaster there are nearly endless!

      I do see your point... but I would offer this: True Intelligence is not just measured in what we create. It's in what we do with ourselves. How we think and live day to day. We may have an exploding population (that is smothering out Agriculture. Goodbye, food supply.), but we have never been sicker. We are laced with diseases, cancers, anxiety disorders, mental disorders, eating disorders, digestive disorders... the list goes on and on. All these factors are on a rise, my friend. They aren't stopping. And why would that be? It wasn't a bomb that was dropped. We're doing this to ourselves. All the chemicals. All the toxins. The lifestyles. We do it every day. Because it is convenient. Because we are too keenly focused on the Great Answer to the same old riddle to take the time to figure out consequences before we are gagging on them.

      We are a race... that has always chosen to light itself on fire to decide whether or not it is a good idea. That, my friend, is stupidity. And some of the most intelligent minds on the planet lead the way.

    7. You know I actually thought about that after I hit publish, however I did not feel like replacing an entire comment simply to add a single item to the list.

      I can accept the idea the intelligence lies in how we act, and not just what we make, but again I feel as though you are blanketing society. Surely there are plenty of idoits out there, I concede that in full, and sometimes there are enough of them to drown out those with voices of reason, but that does not mean those do not exist. In fact your entire central paragraph can be used in support of my conclusion in the proper context. Those with the self inflicted disorders are people who have remainded igronrant, often times willfully and despite ample opportunities ariseing for education. Those are the people smoking their way to lung cancer, drinking their way to liver failure, and eating their way to heart desiase and diabetes, the people who choose to ignore all of the studies and data and information that could help them overcome or avoid these troubles. People do not always search out information, our problem is not that we are a society consumed with information, but rather that we are one consumed with immediate physical reward, and will gladly accecpt ignorance if it furthurs that goal. While some intellectuals have created short term problems from seeking to know more, some of the same intellectuals have created long term solutions through the art of further study. It is not their fault, at least not entierly, they may still hold some of the blame, that the general populace ignores their advice because it is less ammusing or conveint for a breif period of time.

      We are not a race they has elected to set ourselves on fire, meerly one that has studied fire more closely than we should have. Sometimes, as a result, we have found ourselves caught and burned by the flames, but before that exposure we were not aware of water's ability to douse it, even if discovering this fact took longer on some occasions than was worth the initial investigation.

      I also offer to you this final argument for the pursuit of knowledge: whether or not it was a wise idea to open Pandora's Box (in whatever personal or scientific feild you wish to apply the metaphor to), it is too late to close it. The beggining of the damaging effects can already be felt and seen, and ceasing any furthur pursuit of the truth will not end those problems. Our only hope is to dig even deeper into knowledge, in the hopes that the soultion to the problems we have created is buried deeper underneath (as it has been before, on occasion). Even the origonal myth states that after all of the hate and greed and sorrow of Pandora's Box was unleashed on the world, there was still one final thing tucked away in the corner at the bottom: Hope. As much as I hate myself for sounding idealistic and sappy, hope is the reason we keep finding knowledge, the reason we continue to study after all we've learned has brought us so much harm. Becuase, sometimes, when you're really lucky, you'll discover a secret that changes everything, and when we've already unleashed so much misery, sometimes we need something that changes everything.

      It is a true pleasure debating with you, Nightscream, I do so enjoy a good debate. It's almost a shame you abandoned your former postion as a teacher to take up your current vocation, but then I suppose I would likely never have encountered you. Therefore I will accecpt societies loss as my gain, I'm looking forward to your reply.

      See you around

  10. That's one hell of a scary fucking thought. Though I guess I'll take some small comfort in the idea that the misbehavior of me-a piece slendershit's claimed early and tried to reclaim often, is probably costing him some points.

    I guess it doesn't surprise me, I've gotten pretty damn convinced that I'm just a game to him, that's why he keeps letting me get away. I can't help but wonder what'll happen when he doesn't anymore.

    1. Makes you wonder which player wants you to stay on the table... Who benefits most from your actions?

    2. Ugh. I don't want to know. I'm not gonna work for any of the bastards. I've had enough of my life being toyed with, thanks.


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